

Where messages are securely encoded and decoded


This information is provided from any page in case you need to review it.

Click on each Heading to read the Policies that you agreed to when you originally Registered

 Service Agreement (Click here before clicking the box below)
By checking this box, I confirm I have read, understand, acknowledge and accept the Applied Market Solutions LLC Service Agreement, and I agree to be bound by its terms.

 Privacy Policy (Click here before clicking the box below)
By checking this box, I confirm that I have read, understand, acknowledge, and agree to the Privacy Policy.

 Liability Waiver (Click here before clicking the box below)
By checking this box I acknowledge and warrant that I have read, understand, accept the liability terms and assume any and all liability that might arise from my use of the site and hold Applied Market Solutions, LLC, its assigns and officers harmless from any consequential losses resulting from the use of this site by myself or the Company (if a company) or any failure to perform on the part of this software or Applied Market Solution, LLC.

 Age Certification (Click Box)
By checking this box I acknowledge and warrant that I am at least 18 years of age.

 Certification of Authority (Click Box)
By checking this box I acknowledge, represent and warrant that I have the authority to act on behalf of myself and the Company (if a company) in entering into the Applied Market Solutions LLC Service Agreement as described in this Application, and I acknowledge, represent and warrant that all information is true, complete, and accurate, and I will keep all such information current with this website